Faculty/Researcher/Administrator International Travel Pre-Departure Attestation

Please complete the information requested below.

Important Information about the next question. Travel Risk Assessments
Additional instructions for the previous question. 

Visit the ISOS Travel Security webpage to determine your itinerary's risk rating.

Additional instructions for the previous question. 

Visit the Countries Subject to CU Travel Advisories webpage to determine if your itinerary is subject to an ISOS Evacuation Status of "Stand-by" or higher.

Additional instructions for the previous question. 

Visit the Countries Subject to CU Travel Advisories webpage to determine if your itinerary is subject to Comprehensive U.S. Sanctions, or otherwise subject to a Columbia University Travel Advisory.

Important Information about the next question. Group Travel (please answer N/A if not applicable)

Important Information about the next question. If you are traveling, whom do you authorize Columbia University to contact in case of emergency?

Important Information about the next question. Attestation
Additional instructions for the previous question. Signature