Wed, Feb 21, 2024

12 PM – 1 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Cohn Hall 133

4501 N Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210, United States




Please join us during Engineering Week to hear about one person’s journey and a lifetime of adapting to change. From a life of immigrants to being different from everyone around her to finding achievement and overcoming failure, Dr. Mamta Patel Nagaraja recounts her pathway to engineering, science, and space exploration.


Mamta Patel Nagaraja's profile photo

Mamta Patel Nagaraja

the NASA Associate Chief Scientist for Exploration and Applied Research in the Office of the Chief Scientist



Dr. Mamta Patel Nagaraja is currently the NASA Associate Chief Scientist for Exploration and Applied Research in the Office of the Chief Scientist.  In this role, she advises the Chief Scientist in the areas of exploration and biomedical and physical sciences performed by humans in space.  Her research expertise is on the molecular effects of microgravity on bone cells.  Additionally, Dr. Nagaraja has previously served as a program scientist for space biology, led science communications, served as the lead mechanical engineer for a scientific instrument, trained astronauts for their missions in space, and worked in the Mission Control Center. One of her most coveted recognitions was getting an interview to become a NASA astronaut.  She learned the most about how to succeed after failing (twice!) to achieve this dream. Lastly, Dr. Nagaraja is passionate about increasing diversity and inclusivity in science, and she loves mentoring others to help them find their best career pathway.  She lives in the Washington D.C. metro area with her husband and three children.  Dr. Nagaraja is a bilingual, first generation American and first generation college graduate from an immigrant family, with five kids and dedicated, selfless parents. 


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