Fri, Mar 31, 2023

1:15 PM – 4 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Frick Chemistry Laboratory - Frick Atrium

Princeton, NJ 08544, United States




Meet with nonprofit, public, and private sector organizations and campus offices that have partnered with the Graduate School and explore a range of part-time summer and academic-year opportunities designed to fit your busy schedule-most are fully funded by GradFUTURES and do not require work authorization. Plus, connect with 20+ campus partners to discover resources tailored for graduate students!

The first 100 graduate students to attend the fair will receive a copy of the book Linked: Conquer Linkedin. Own Your Future. BONUS: Free professional Linkedin headshot photos and profile critiques.

Partners Include:
Princeton University Press
Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES)
Princeton Entrepreneurship Council
Keller Center
Princeton Innovation
Princeton Research Day
Princeton Writes
Princeton Arts Alumni
Princeton University Library
Center for Digital Humanities
Foundation Venture Capital Group
United Way of Greater Mercer County
Princeton Community Area Foundation
McCarter Theater
Gazelle International
Ithaka S+R
Modern Language Association
Newark Symphony Hall
Middlesex College
Pace Center for Civic Engagement
Princeton Writing Program
Center for Career Development
Prison Teaching Initiative
& More!
Food Provided


Rodney Priestley's profile photo

Rodney Priestley

Rodney Priestley is the dean of the graduate school at Princeton University and the Pomeroy and Betty Perry Smith Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering. He is a leading researcher in the area of complex materials and processing, and served as Princeton University's inaugural vice dean for innovation from 2020-22. The vice dean for innovation provides academic leadership for innovation and entrepreneurship activities across campus.

Priestley has published nearly 100 articles, edited a book, and is co-inventor on four patent-pending technologies in the area of drug-delivery and polymer colloids, substances that make up gels and emulsions. His research group is focused on understanding how materials that undergo changes in their properties and join together when confined in tiny spaces open new possibilities for a vast range of novel applications, including drug delivery, designer colloids and sustainable manufacturing. Priestley is engaged in three industry-university research collaborations in the areas of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics as well as polymer nanocomposite design, and is the co-founder of two companies that are working to translate University intellectual property into technologies or products.

Hosted By

GradFUTURES | View More Events
Co-hosted with: The Graduate School

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