Equipment Request Form 23-24

Hello! We are happy to support sports equipment needs for on-campus events sponsored by departments and student organizations. Equipment requests are due a minimum of 3 days prior to the event. Requests are not guaranteed as they are subject to equipment availability. Late requests are also not be guaranteed. Requestor is responsible for returning all equipment within 3 days following the event. The department may request earlier return of items in the interest of providing those same items to another event, or due to facility scheduling (holiday breaks, etc.). The department/student organization assumes the cost of items not returned and/or damaged. Items may only be returned during ShipRec operational hours.

Please contact with any questions.

Good luck with your event!

Additional instructions for the previous question. The Department of Recreation provides tables for events in ShipRec only (max of 40 tables). If more than 40 tables are needed in ShipRec, or tables are needed for outdoor facilities/other indoor athletic/rec facilities, a work order should be submitted by event coordinators with Facilities Management ( Only Faculty/Staff have access to the work order system.

Additional instructions for the previous question. The Department of Recreation provides chairs for events in ShipRec only (max of 100 chairs). If more than 100 chairs are needed in ShipRec, or chairs are needed for outdoor facilities/other indoor athletic/rec facilities, a work order should be submitted by event coordinators with Facilities Management ( Only Faculty/Staff have access to the work order system.