Banner for Leadership Workshop: Break the Ice and Team Collaboration!

Leadership Workshop: Break the Ice & Team Collaboration!

by Campus Activities

Open Training/Workshop Leadership Resources Workshop

Wed, Nov 13, 2024

5:30 PM – 7 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Join this interactive workshop to learn effective ice breakers and teambuilders that you can bring back to your organization. We will participate in a few activities and explain WHY they can be effective as you build your group. Believe us - there are some that won't make your eyes roll. In addition, a strong and cohesive team needs to delegate and collaborate. How does one do that? This workshop will allow you to participate in Collaboration activities and team-building exercises. You will take away skills you can then incorporate into your organization.
Facilitator: Jessie White, Assistant Director, Campus Activities. Her background is in Student Personal in Higher Education from the University of Florida where she focused on live concert planning. Jessie often volunteers at camps leading teambuilding, ice breakers, and group dynamics sessions. When she’s not working, you can find her frequenting music concerts, frolicking in nature, or surrounded by animals.
Meeting ID: 927 2249 9954
Passcode: 421287
Food Provided

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