Mon, Aug 30, 2021 9:00 AM –

Mon, Sep 6, 2021 11:55 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0620, United States



Ideal Participants: 
This program is open to all UD students, with the ideal audience targeted as those who are looking to improve their quality of life through building a consistent exercise routine and learning about the benefits to their overall health and wellbeing that such a routine can provide. Week 1 focuses on educating participants on how just 30 minutes of daily exercise can make a significant difference in their health, and seeks to help build healthy habits through the understanding of that education. 

Research by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports that adults require at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. On Your PATH to 30 is a 4-week program geared towards helping you add 30 minutes of exercise to your daily routine while highlighting the many physical and mental benefits of daily exercise! 

WEEK 1: You’ve Got Time for 30
One of the top reasons people don’t regularly add exercise into their routines is because they don’t believe they have enough time to incorporate it into their busy schedules. This week will focus on how critical exercise can be to reducing your stress levels, and how focusing on just 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to make a significant difference in your health!

To Participate:

  1. Registration is required, in advance.To get started visit Active Flyers at or visit the Welcome Desk at the RecPlex
  2. Upon registering, communication will be sent from outlining PATH event details, as well as various reminders and updates throughout the week.
  3. Participants must meet the weekly goal of checking in and participating in a recreational activity for at least 30 minutes on four (4) separate days.

PLEASE NOTE: PATH credit will only be issued to those who fully complete the expectations outlined above. Individuals found to be attempting to subvert the expectations may be disqualified from PATH earnings for all Path to 30 events. PATH credit will be issued one week following the conclusion of the Path to 30 program.

Direct all questions about this event or about issues with missing PATH to the following Event Sponsor(s) (Not AVIATE):

Campus Recreation RecPlex:

The University of Dayton strives to provide equal and easy access to programs and services for individuals with disabilities. Individuals requiring accommodations to attend this event are encouraged to contact the LTC's Office of Learning Resources (OLR) in advance with their request in order to ensure adequate processing time. 

Contact OLR by telephone at 937-229-2066 (TTY 937-229-2059 for deaf/hard of hearing) or by email at