Reproductive Justice: International Fault Lines

by Conference on Gender and International Affairs

Conference Gender

Tue, Mar 23, 2021

12 PM – 1 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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In the last year, access to reproductive justice has been challenged globally. Sexual and reproductive health access is widely acknowledged as a human right. However, there is a disparity between international legal commitments and practice especially in regards to abortion. In January, the Honduran National Congress voted to amend its constitution in order to prohibit abortion outright. Millions of Venezuelans are no longer able to find or afford birth control due to the economic crisis and COVID-19 related supply chain disruptions. In the US, officials in at least nine states issued executive orders postponing all non-urgent medical procedures during COVID-19 in part to target abortion access. Poland's conservative Law and Justice Party has issued a near total ban on abortions. Thousands have responded by marching for their right to healthcare and bodily autonomy.

This panel will explore contemporary legal battles over access to abortion and the activism driving them. Barriers to sexual and reproductive healthcare take different forms around the world but local battles contribute to larger struggles for reproductive justice. Panelists will discuss how activists and policymakers can strengthen local and global reproductive justice frameworks despite dogged opposition. We are eager to hear about the experiences of the panelists in their activism, including legal battles and other advocacy strategies. We look forward to a lively and passionate discussion where all participants can share their stories and their own lived experiences.

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